About Us

VAINI Group is an Indian conglomerate business house headquartered in New Delhi, India. Founded in 2014, the company gained brand recognition after branding several global products.

VAINI Industria Private Limited is the principal investment holding company and promoter of Vaini companies. Most of the equity share capital of Vaini Industria is held by philanthropic trusts, which support education, health, livelihood generation, and art and culture.

Each VAINI company or enterprise operates independently under the guidance and supervision of its own Board of Directors.

Our Governance Philosophy is to ensure fair, transparent, accountable and ethical management in order to protect the interests of all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, vendors, regulators and society. As a responsible corporate citizen, Vaini Industria follows the laws of the land in letter and spirit. Vaini Industria also goes beyond mere compliance to highlight certain behaviours and norms to Vaini group operating companies.

Vaini Industria’s relationship with the group operating companies is governed by:

Shareholding in the group companies: Vaini Industria is the principal investment holding company and the promoter of its group operating companies.

Brand Equity & Business Promotion (BEBP) agreement: Every company that uses the ‘VAINI’ brand is a signatory to the Vaini Industria BEBP agreement. The agreement confers upon the operating companies the right to use the Vaini brand in return for a commitment from them to run their businesses ethically and with excellence. As part of the BEBP agreement, the operating companies must adopt:

  • Vaini Code of Conduct (VCoC)
  • Vaini Business Excellence Model (VBEM)

# Promoters Holding Companies

  1. Vaini Industria Private Limited
  2. Vaini Trusts
  3. Putkayi & Putkaya LLP